Post-Construction Cleaning Services
in Orange County
Commercial Properties Only - We Do Not Service Residential Properties

Fully Licensed Post-Construction Cleaning in Orange County
If you’re looking for professional, licensed post-construction cleaning services in Orange County or LA County, then your in the right spot.
Constructing a building is heavy work, and it can take years to complete construction projects. While most construction crews are adept at leaving the buildings fairly clean, they’re not professional cleaners.
They may miss a few spots, but our goal is to ensure that your new building looks as clean and beautiful as possible!
From the moment the work is done on the building, construction workers focus on clearing out all of their tools and materials. The last thing they want to do is handle the work of cleaning up, and that’s where we come in. We make sure the building and new construction is left clean, showcasing the work of your construction crew in the best possible way!
Over 70 Years of Professional Cleaning Services in Southern California
JW’s Final Cleaning Service is a sister company of S&W Maintenance Co. which was founded over 70 years ago. With this level of experience in commercial cleaning business we’ve gotten extremely good at Construction Cleanup services.
Both companies are owned and operated by the Wulwick family, and share the same commitment to quality and customer service. We offer Rough & Final Construction Cleanup services, from removing paper, plastic, and particle boards from floors and walls to detailed cleaning of all vertical and horizontal surfaces.
As licensed professionals with years of experience, we will help you prepare for every step in your final project cleaning.
We guarantee that the work will be done promptly and professionally, with on-site management and specialized equipment to ensure the job is completed efficiently. Whether it’s a rush job or a regular post-construction cleaning and cleanup service, JW’s has the workforce to get the job done right.
Step 1: Rough Interior Cleaning
JW’s Final Cleaning Service will come on site and remove any small construction debris from the work site..
Step 2: Final Interior Cleanup
Once rough cleaning and external work has been completed and the building is ready to be shown to the owners, we will come through and do one final clean-up.
Step 3: Additional Services
JW’s Cleaning Service is equipped to handle many requests for cleaning, please let us know how we can help.
We’ll make sure your project is clean and beautiful on the final presentation. You can hold your head up high and feel confident in your final product.
Newly renovated spaces are covered in dust and full of debris. They need a lot of cleaning to transform them into the gleaming finished spaces the client has been dreaming about.
As a licensed, full-service commercial post renovation cleaning company, we are prepared for any cleaning challenge.
We’ll fit seamlessly into your construction project management and help you increase efficiencies.
We will help you make your deadlines. We will reduce your exposure to risks by keeping your site safe for employees
We will take all precautions necessary to prevent interference with employees or residents, pedestrians, and vehicles.
Rough Construction Cleaning Services
Remove paper, plastic, and particle boards from floors, walls, and all surfaces
Remove all trash and debris to designated areas
Final Construction Cleaning Services
All carpet power vacuum, and baseboards wipe clean
Clean glass, windows and frames washed and any tape or adhesive tape removed
Bathrooms, fixtures, and appliances cleaned and sanitized
High and low dusting to remove any construction site dust
For service in Orange County, Los Angeles or parts of Riverside area, give us a call today
at (714) 827-5447